Montauban Beach Color: a sporty and festive day

This Saturday, April 6, the second edition of Montauban Beach Color will take place at the Port-Canal sports complex, an event that is open to everyone and combines sport, fun and solidarity.

For the second year, an explosion of colors is expected in Port-Canal. Take part in the “Montauban Beach Colour” on the Port Canal on Saturday, April 6. On the program: a musical warm-up from 9:30 am, followed by the start of the colorful 7 km race at 10:00 am. The participants will then have the opportunity to have lunch on site and attend the presentation of the first prizes. From 2 p.m. time for the beach volleyball tournament. The day ends festively with the ‘beach color’ evening from 7 p.m.
T-shirts and glasses will be distributed at the entrance, on the day of this event organized in particular by the association Move your fac, with Montauban Beach Soccer 82, in collaboration with the local youth council of Grand Montauban. The profits obtained will be donated to the association “La maison des Parents de Purpan”. A meeting open to everyone, as Stéphane Belvèze notes: “You shouldn’t believe that this meeting is reserved for students from Montauban. It is a festive day around sports and conviviality, according to the president of Montauban Beach Soccer 82. Last year for de During the first edition we reached 200 participants and hope for even more participants next Saturday. It promises to be summery weather with lots of sun and an expected temperature of more than 23°C. Ideal conditions to extend the evening with a refreshment bar and DJ.”
An event now well identified in the diaries of Montalbanese students and which will easily widen its audience on the first day of the school holidays.

Stéphane Belvèze: “Develop football for everyone”

Stéphane Belvèze, president of the Montauban Beach Soccer 82 association, plans to expand the practice of football to an audience that does not find a place in clubs.

Stéphane Belvèze, president of Montauban beach football 82.
Stéphane Belvèze, president of Montauban beach football 82.
DDM – Manu Massip

Who are you talking to when you talk about ‘football for everyone’?

The “Foot pour Tous” project aims to make sport accessible at a reasonable price, in a friendly environment, around a civic spirit, where the game is given priority over the stakes. The idea of ​​setting up beach football teams for boys and girls aged 18 and over.

Why this age?

We realize that many footballers leave their club when it is time to pursue higher education. It is not easy to reconcile sport and study in clubs that aim for a certain level and a certain number of weekly training sessions. Our offer is intended to be fun, sporty and reduce restrictions.

Does beach football have a place in the sports offering?

I am certainly convinced! We are fortunate to have exceptional facilities with a sand stadium. Beach football should also make its debut at the 2028 Olympic Games. Finally, in Tarn-et-Garonne we have a very large pool of players.

Speaking of ‘football for everyone’, do you think you will open the training to all target groups?

Yes, the goal is to continue with adapted sports. We have already opened slots at Itep de Montauban. But we also want to develop football while walking, and the extracurricular offering, as Charef Razali is already doing with the Montalban colleges.

But what can you imagine during the winter, when the weather does not allow playing on the sand?

In fact, we are going to present a project for a small artificial grass field next to the sand stadium. This allows us to expand the practice throughout the year and why not put together a team of “five”.

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