“Creating vocations”: a safety day at the Beaulieu college with the firefighters of Lannemezan

A ‘Road Safety Day’ took place on Thursday for all students of Beaulieu College in Saint-Laurent-de-Neste.

It is a unique high school action, organized on Thursday within the walls of the Beaulieu College in Saint-Laurent de Neste, in collaboration with the services of the prefecture, SDIS 65, the National Gendarmerie and the associations Prévention Maif, Les Stars of the Pyrenees and free life. Students could participate all day long 6 risk and addiction prevention workshops and at the end of the morning a bicycle accident simulation with the support of the SDIS of Lannemezan.

On site, in the courtyard of the establishment, a van was set up, a bicycle almost under the vehicle and, lying next to the two-wheeler, a teenager on the ground, the starting point for the demonstration by the nine firefighters present. , two VSAV vehicles and another for signaling. Everywhere the students had taken their places to witness and participate in this exercise led by their director, Stéphane Délas, Captain Bertrand Mena, head of the center of the Lannemezan barracks and commander of the plateau company, who explained the reasons explained for this. attendance at the college: “The point is to take stock of the steps to follow for those who may witness an accident like the one we are simulating today. The maneuver will be commented on since the discovery of the accident, reporting to the emergency services until the victim is evacuated.

The students of the 4th grade were made aware of the first aid actions

At the head was an experienced firefighter in the person of Frédéric Scoffre who guided the young rescuers step by step: “If we notice an accident, we must call the fire brigade and provide as much detail as possible about the situation, the number of injured, the exact location where the accident took place and start making the places as safe as possible, especially with mandatory signaling devices such as the triangles that everyone must have in the car.”

The need not to move the injured person was also pointed out, even though the students explained that it may be necessary to ensure that the victim is breathing and whether it is possible to provide first aid. An idea that resonates with the director: “This exercise aims to observe the behavior of each other, explain what to do and what not to do, especially since all students of the fourth grade have been made aware of the gestures that save and can offer them.

An intervention in close collaboration with the Prefecture and its Road Safety Office, represented by Olivier Dupuy: “We intervene wherever we are asked, from kindergarten onwards in collaboration with National Education”. The day continued around these themes with the testimony of a traffic victim at the end of the day. A successful educational operation and a first for this institution, as the simulation exercise was followed by all students of the institution. Perhaps also the opportunity to encourage certain callings of future firefighters into the ranks.

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