Paris: A fee-paying preparatory school closes its doors, leaving 65 students behind

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– Teachers have not been paid since the end of October.

The year started poorly for these students studying architecture in Paris. From one day to the next theprivate school preparing for architecture schools Architektôn closed its doors and left the 65 students behind. On January 5, the students who had chosen a full-time course received a strange email from their director of studies, Bertrand B. “This evening I received this message by email from the director of the company to which the school belongs. Because of serious financial difficulties the company is currently dealing with, classes will not resume until further notice”we can read in the email, passed on by France 3.

Small problem: the 65 students almost paid for their school year 6,980 euros. At this price, the “financial hardship” pill is hard to swallow. “He took our money and that of our parents and left us at the worst time”, complains Leya, an 18-year-old student. Another problem: Bertrand B. has never been employed. This last one invoiced his hours worked at school with his micro-business. He is responsible for organizing and coordinating the lessons and today he is in the same boat as all the other teachers at school: ripped off by the manager.

No salaries have been paid to teams since October

Teachers have not received any money since the end of October»he explains to a journalist from France 3. At that point, the company’s manager tells Bertrand B. that the company is having financial problems and that it will be necessary “be understanding”. “Everyone went back to work, we told ourselves that if it was postponed for two weeks, it wasn’t that bad”, recalls the director of the private establishment. In December I saw that salaries had still not been paid and all that several courses scheduled during the holidays are cancelled, the teaching team becomes alarmed and starts to warn the manager. But no one gets a response.

The first semester of Architektôn was dedicated to general culture and architecture knowledge courses. Unfortunately, it is the second half of the year that must prepare students for their selection for the prestigious Grandes Écoles. “It puts the future of our children at risk. We paid for this preparation to give them maximum opportunities, and they end up completely helpless and destabilized.”says a father indignantly. We will try to take joint legal action“, he promises.

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